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Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 6, 2014

Leather Shoe Care Products Are A Must

By Sally Delacruz

There are a few things to do once you become the owner of a pair of leather dress shoes. You have to care for them just as you would your own skin, if you want them to last for years and years. By keeping them clean, supple, but free from moisture, you can continue to wear and enjoy them longer than you may have originally imagined. A little effort, time and the proper leather shoe care products are a must to achieve your goal.

One important and easy thing to do is to simply rotate them. Doing so will give them the chance to air out and let the moisture dry. Along this line, how you store them is also important. The original box they came in is a good place to keep them. However, if you live in a humid climate a shoe tree will work better.

You will find plastic or metal models but they do not allow the shoes to properly dry. This also prevents the shoes from returning to their original shape. Cedar does this plus it helps to give your insoles and uppers a longer life while preventing lines from forming where your foot flexes.

Too much moisture is a bad thing especially if it is retained. It can cause bacteria growth and mold to form. In addition to properly drying them if they get wet, apply a wax based polish on a regular basis. You could also use a waterproofing compound for heavier protection. Be sure to also dry your shoes when they get wet or damp by inserting newspapers or a towel. Do not though, place them next to a heater or use a blow dryer on them. You can cause cracks by drying too quickly.

Just as getting wet or allowing moisture to build up can ruin your pair, so can letting them get overly dry. Prevent cracks by buffing a little bit of petroleum jelly on or use a shoe cream. A specialty conditioner can also be applied lightly. Apply any of these on a regular basis.

You can also keep them in good shape by using a shoe horn when putting them on. Applying a little shoe spray will make cleaning easier. A horse hair brush to be used for applying polish and removing any excess is also necessary. In addition do not forget to use cedar shoetrees. These items will help you maintain and extend their life.

You will also need some basic items to keep them clean. Saddle or oil soap, a specialty cleaner, and a dry cloth are a must. You can use your horsehair brush to help get dirt, mud, and alkaline off. For scuff marks, gently rub an eraser or non-gel toothpaste on then brush off.

The soles of your shoes are also going to be leather and will probably need replacing or repair after a while. Find a reputable cobbler and develop a relationship with them. If you do not have that option, you can always box up your purchase and return to the manufacture for resoling or refurbishing when they get worn out.

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