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Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 3, 2018

Procedure For CPR New Jersey

By Scott Cole

A person may require a cardiopulmonary resuscitation process in case they drown or get a heart attack. This first aid process is offered to them when the breathing is not taking place or the heart beat has stopped. The process is important to help maintain a constant flow of blood into the important parts of the body. The article that follows illustrates the steps that can be taken to offer a CPR New Jersey.

Check the scene and the person. Before you start administering first aid, you need to make sure that the area is secure. After looking around for sometime and you have confirmed a secure place ensure you know that the person require your help. Pat them on the shoulder and ask if they are okay. After confirming they need help then you can start administering the first aid help before getting a medical attention.

Seek emergency service deliverers. Before you start the whole process, make sure you will obtain the necessary help in case the procedure is unsuccessful or takes longer times than expected. You can dial 911 for emergency services and to explain the condition the person is in to get the appropriate attention. If the victim in question is in a bad condition, you might require a third party to assist you in calling while you attend to the patient.

Opening the airway. Open the airway of that person so as it becomes easy to give them the required help and also for them to benefit from the process. This can be done by putting the affected person in a comfortable position. Lay them down on their back. Lift the chin. This can be done by tilting their head slightly back. This position is not only comfortable for the patient but also it prevents them from chocks.

Confirm the patient breathing condition. Since the first aid you are going to administer to the patient in question concerns the breathing condition, make sure you know the condition the patient is in as far as breathing is concerned. Use the least time period possible at least 10 seconds to confirm this. Know the signs of good breathing and poor breathing. With this information, you can start the first aid administration.

Pushing hard and fast. While offering the first aid process, you need to ensure the right rate and intensity to offer it right. Put one hand over the other at the centre position of the chest of that victim. Ensure you give at least two inches deep compressions on the chest which will keep the blood flowing. Ensure you keep to the rate of at least one hundred compressions per minute. Use your whole body weight to ensure these specifications.

Giving rescue breathe. This can be done through mouth to mouth air blowing into the chest of the patient. With the patient in the same position, bring your mouth into theirs and make a complete seal between them. Pinch the nose tight and blow the air inside them until the chest rises. Give these rescue breath two times after each chest compression in a sequential manner until the right medical attention is obtained.

Until the person is able to show some signs of being alive, then the process must continue until then or when a medical practitioner arrives. Administer a sequential number of chest compressions followed by rescue breathes at equal intervals.

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